International Conference on Terahertz Emission, Metamaterials and Nanophotonics

The 2024 edition of TERAMETANANO, the International Conference on Terahertz Emission, Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, will take place in Gaeta (Italy) from September 10th - 14th 2024.

TERAMETANANO is an annual conference that gathers physicists studying a wide variety of nano-structures, nano-photonics and meta-materials, with special attention to the coupling between light and matter and in a broad range of wavelengths, going from the visible up to the terahertz range.

Topics include but are not limited to:

General Information

Important Dates

Date Description
April 21, 2024 Abstract submission opens
June 30, 2024 Deadline for the Abstract submission
July 15, 2024 Notification of Acceptance
July 31, 2024 Early registration deadline
August 10, 2024 Refunding deadline
September 10, 2024 Conference opening
September 14, 2024 Conference closing

Full day excursion Instructions

Download ExcursionInstructions

Social Dinner Instructions

The social dinner will take place from 20.00 at Ristorante Re Ferdinando, in Gaeta

Download Social Dinner Instructions

WiFi and connection

Inside the Castle conference room there is a free wifi acces: please refer to the following instructions:

Download WiFi Instructions

Logistic and travel information

Information about transpots from and to the rail station.

Download Transport Information

Free shuttle service and timing

Shuttle service, free for our guests. Timetable

Download Transport Information


Download the program here.

Download Program

Welcome cocktail info

Welcome coctail will be held at Cheers Restaurant & Beach Bar from 19:30 to 23:00.

Marina di Serapo, 3b, 04024 Gaeta LT

Instruction for logistic and shuttle service

Download Instructions



Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Please send your abstract specifying the chosen type of presentation (oral or poster) secretary@mifp.eu


All abstracts MUST use this template:

Download Template


Oral presentation duration (including discussion):

  • 20 minutes for regular presentation
  • 30 minutes for invited presentations
Poster presentation:
  • The available board area is 80 cm (width) x 110 cm (height)

Technical Sponsorship

Organizing Institution

Supporting projects




Conference Chairman

Maffucci Antonio
Antonio Maffucci
University of Cassino
and Southern Lazio - Italy

Program Chairman

Portnoi Michail
Mikhail Portnoi
Exeter University - UK

Conference Secretary

Ginesi Matteo
Matteo Ginesi
MIFP - Italy

Organising Committee

Cavaliere Gabriele
Cavaliere Gabriele
University of Cassino
and Southern Lazio - Italy
Siconolfi Francesco
Siconolfi Francesco
University of Cassino
and Southern Lazio - Italy

Invited Speakers

Boag Amir
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Couteau Christophe
University of Technology of Troyes, France

Feodor Ogrin
University of Exeter, UK

Fedorov Georgy
University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Fernandes Pereira Mauro
Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Kašalynas Irmantas
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Vilnius, Lithuania

Kusmartsev Fedor
Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Kyriienko Oleksandr
University of Exeter, UK

Lagoudakis Pavlos
Skoltech, Russia

Lamberti Patrizia
University of Salerno, Italy

Lazic Snezana
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Lucido Mario
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio - Italy, Italy

Pozina Galia
Linköping University, Sweden

Russo Saverio
University of Exeter, UK

Shlyapnikov Georgy
Universitè Paris-Saclay, France

Sigurdsson Helgi
University of Iceland, Iceland

Smirnov Dmitry
Florida State University, USA

Svirko Yuri
University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Vidiella Barranco Antonio
University of Campinas, Brazil

Walker Paul Michael
University of Sheffield, UK


Angevian Castle


Castello Angioino, Via Angioina, Salita Castello, 04024 Gaeta LT

Located within the historic San Erasmo medieval district of Gaeta, the Castle occupies a commanding position atop the eastern edge of Mount Orlando's rocky promontory. Embraced by the scenic expanse of the Ulises’s Coast regional park, renowned for its striking natural beauty, the Castle enjoys a setting of exceptional landscape significance.

Spanning approximately 14,100 square meters, this monumental edifice, known as the Castle of Gaeta, comprises two distinct architectural entities: the upper "Aragonese" or "Alfonsino Castle" and the lower "Angioino Castle". These structures, intricately linked by a network of observation and fortification towers, boast unique characteristics reflective of their respective historical epochs.

The upper castle, characterized by a rectangular footprint, is punctuated by cylindrical towers at three of its corners, most notably the towering northwest bastion, often referred to as the Torre di Gaeta. Within its confines lies the Royal Chapel, a testament to the grandeur of the Bourbon era, commissioned by Federico II of Bourbon in 1849.

Conversely, the lower castle exhibits an irregular polygonal form, fortified by turrets resembling truncated cones along its perimeters facing the medieval quarter and Mount Orlando. Presently, the Aragonese wing houses the Nautical School of the Guardia di Finanza, while the Angioino Castle serves as a distinguished venue for conferences and summer programs hosted by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Notably, it served as the site of the Gaeta military prison until recent years.

With origins tracing back to the late 10th century, the Castle evolved significantly during the Norman period (1140-1198) before undergoing extensive fortification under the reign of Federico II of Sweden (1222-1234). Despite its destruction by order of Pope Gregory IX in 1229, it was rebuilt by the Angevins circa 1279. It was only during the tenure of Alfonso d'Aragona, commencing in 1436, that the Castle attained its status as a regal abode of opulence and grandeur. Under his patronage, it was endowed with a throne room, private quarters, a library, armory, chapel, and even a mint. Subsequent enhancements, including the construction of new towers and bastions under Charles V, bestowed upon it the imposing and enduring visage it presents today.



Gaeta Flag Nestled along the picturesque coastline of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Gaeta stands as a timeless jewel of Italy's Lazio region. Boasting a unique blend of historical significance and natural splendor, this enchanting city offers a captivating setting for the TERAMETANANO conference.


The origins of the name "Gaeta" (Latin: Caiēta, Greek: Kaièta, Καϊέτα) remain shrouded in legend, with various theories proposed by ancient historians and poets.

Strabo, the ancient Greek geographer, mentioned the Gulf of Gaeta, referred to as "Καιάτα" (Kaiata) in Greek, suggesting that the name may derive from the term "καϊέτα" (caieta) used by the Laconians to denote nything hollow, possibly referring to the expansive indentation of the ulf itself. However, some accounts attribute the name to the nursemaid of Aeneas, the legendary Trojan hero.

Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, linked the territory of Gaeta to the myth of the Argonauts, tracing the city's name back to Aietes, the mythical father of Medea, who was enamored with Jason.

Virgil, in his epic poem the Aeneid, purported that Gaeta derived its name from Aeneas' nursemaid, Caieta, who was buried at the site during his journey to the shores of Latium. Dante Alighieri, perhaps to underscore the historicity of the Aeneid, corroborated this event in his Divine Comedy.

Other sources suggest that Gaeta may be named after Aietes, the son of the sun god Helios, whose epithet was "The Eagle." He was purportedly the brother of the renowned sorceress Circe. This moniker might have been bestowed upon the city due to its peculiar geographic structure, reminiscent of the head of this famed bird of prey.


Gaeta's storied past dates back thousands of years, bearing witness to the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. Originally settled by the ancient Greeks, Gaeta flourished under Roman rule, serving as a strategic port and military stronghold. Over the centuries, it became a coveted prize for various powers, including the Byzantines, Lombards, and Normans, each leaving their indelible mark on its landscape.

The city reached its zenith during the Middle Ages, when it emerged as a thriving maritime republic and a pivotal player in Mediterranean trade. Its strategic location made it a coveted prize for competing city-states, leading to centuries of conflict and conquest. The iconic Angevin-Aragonese Castle, perched atop the promontory overlooking the sea, stands as a testament to Gaeta's turbulent past and enduring resilience.

In more recent history, Gaeta played a significant role during World War II, serving as a key naval base for the Allied forces. Today, its rich historical legacy is preserved in its architectural treasures, museums, and archaeological sites, offering visitors a glimpse into the city's illustrious past.


Situated at the crossroads of land and sea, Gaeta's geography is characterized by its stunning coastal vistas, rugged cliffs, and verdant hillsides. The city is nestled at the southern end of the Lazio region, where the Apennine Mountains meet the azure waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Monte Orlando promontory, crowned by the imposing fortress of Castello di Gaeta, dominates the city's skyline and offers panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. To the west, stretches of sandy beaches and hidden coves beckon sun-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, while to the east, the Monte Orlando Nature Reserve provides a tranquil sanctuary for hiking and exploration.

With its temperate Mediterranean climate and breathtaking scenery, Gaeta embodies the quintessential charm of coastal Italy, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its beauty and history.

Sorceress Circe

Among the many mythical figures associated with Gaeta's rich tapestry of lore and legend, none is more captivating than the Maga Circe. Renowned in ancient Greek mythology for her enchanting powers and beguiling charms, Circe's presence looms large over the city's cultural heritage.

In Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey, Circe is depicted as a powerful sorceress who dwells on the island of Aeaea, where she transforms Odysseus' men into swine with her potions and spells. Gaeta's connection to Circe is rooted in ancient tales that weave her into the fabric of the city's history.

According to some accounts, Circe was born in Gaeta or had a significant presence in the region, drawn by the city's mystical allure and scenic splendor. Her association with the nearby island of Ponza further solidifies her ties to the Tyrrhenian Sea and the coastal landscapes that surround Gaeta.

Legends of Circe's influence in Gaeta endure to this day, with tales of her sorcery and supernatural abilities echoing through the annals of time. Whether as a symbol of enchantment or a cautionary tale of the dangers of temptation, Circe's legacy continues to fascinate and intrigue visitors to Gaeta, adding an extra layer of mystique to this enchanting coastal city.

The Maritime Republic of Gaeta

During the Middle Ages, Gaeta thrived as a powerful maritime republic. From the 10th to the 13th centuries, it commanded the Mediterranean, excelling in trade, diplomacy, and naval prowess. Its strategic location fueled economic prosperity, while its fortified walls defended against invaders. Although its influence eventually waned, Gaeta's legacy as a maritime powerhouse endures, shaping its identity to this day.


Gaeta enjoys a delightful Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers, making it an ideal destination year-round. The city's coastal location ensures refreshing sea breezes that temper the heat of summer and moderate the chill of winter, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for visitors.

Municipality Logo Summer in Gaeta is a sun-drenched affair, with long days and balmy temperatures perfect for enjoying the city's sandy beaches and crystalline waters. Average temperatures range from 23°C to 30°C (73°F to 86°F), making it ideal for swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the city's outdoor attractions. However, it's advisable to pack sunscreen and stay hydrated, as the sun's rays can be intense during peak hours.


indi la cima qua e là menando,
come fosse la lingua che parlasse,
gittò voce di fuori, e disse: «Quando

mi diparti’ da Circe, che sottrasse
me più d’un anno là presso a Gaeta,
prima che sì Enea la nomasse,

né dolcezza di figlio, né la pieta
del vecchio padre, né ’l debito amore
lo qual dovea Penelopé far lieta,

vincer potero dentro a me l’ardore
ch’i’ ebbi a divenir del mondo esperto,
e de li vizi umani e del valore;


"O frati", dissi "che per cento milia
perigli siete giunti a l’occidente,
a questa tanto picciola vigilia

d’i nostri sensi ch’è del rimanente,
non vogliate negar l’esperienza,
di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente.

Considerate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza".

Divina Commedia
Inferno, canto XXVI
Ulysses in Gaeta

Ulysses in Gaeta


  • ⚠ Payments with bon de commande cannot be accepted
  • Registration Reductions for short stay are not available

Important note

  • All accompanying persons must be registered in advance, to have an efficient organization and avoid disruptions to other registered participants. Unregistered accompanying persons will not be able to take part in the excursion, social dinner, and welcome cocktail on site. Thank you for your understanding.
  • All presenting authors and non-presenting attendees of the Conference are expected to obtain funding for their registration fees AND travel expenses through their sponsoring organizations.
  • The registration fee will cover session attendance, conference materials, all lunches and coffee breaks, the conference dinner and excursion.
  • This conference attendance is in-person only. We do not offer remote presentation option.
  • Limited financial support will be available for some students and/or participants in special need after consideration from the Program Committee.

  • The Organizing Committee


Suggested Hotels

Hotel Address Phone Email Website
Gajeta Hotel Residence Gaeta (LT)
Lungomare Caboto 624
+39 077145081 mail
Hotel Mirasole Gaeta (LT)
via Firenze, 5
+39 077142021 mail
Il Quartuccio B&B Gaeta Gaeta (LT)
Via Indipendenza, 244-246
+39 0771452434 mail
B&B Il vecchio e il mare Gaeta (LT)
Prima Calata San Giovanni, 17
+39 3277533731 mail
B&B Millequattrocento Gaeta (LT)
Via Aragonese, 10
+39 3895184601 mail
B&B Sulmare Gaeta (LT)
Via Pio IX, 37
+39 0771460387 mail
Serapo B&B Gaeta (LT)
Via Genova, 14
+39 3292629985 mail
La Dimora di Caboto Gaeta (LT)
Piazza Mazzoccolo, 13
+39 3664268976 mail
Rock Garden Hotel Gaeta (LT)
Via Torino, 14
+39 0771461791 mail
B&B La Torretta Gaeta Gaeta (LT)
Via IV Novembre
+39 3203617281 mail
B&B Il Geranio Gaeta (LT)
Salita Porta di Ferro, 2
+39 0771462098 mail


A passport is required to enter the country.

Enrolment fee does not include accommodation.

Participants will have to take care of their own accommodation.

How to get to Gaeta

By airplane

The closest international airports are:
  • All airports in Rome (Fiumicino - FCO, Ciampino - CIA)
  • Capodichino Airport, Naples (NAP)
From Rome or Naples you can reach the Formia/Gaeta train station by train (see below).

By train

The Formia/Gaeta train station is located in the express line Rome-Naples. From the Formia/Gaeta train station to Gaeta old town there is a bus service available each 15 minutes, or a taxi service.

By car

Take the highway A1 “Autostrada del Sole” and exit at “Cassino”, then follow indications to Formia-Gaeta (about 30’ drive from Cassino exit).

Hotel scam alert, Important notice

Please be aware that some of our participants have been contacted by some companies that offer hotel booking services for the conference. They ask for financial details to book rooms in hotels near the conference venue. These companies are in no way affiliated with the MIFP, they might not be trustworthy and we advise against passing any of your details, any signed forms or any financial information to them or to other companies that might contact you offering deals on hotel rooms.

Visa regime for foreign citizens

Please visit the website below to check your country:

Social Program


Payment Methods

  • Credit Card

    1. Visit the website www.erglobal.it and follow the instructions.
    2. Choose a registration plan and click the Registration button:
      • Enter the requested information.
      • Upload a proof of payment (image or PDF).
  • Bank Transfer

    1. Use the following bank details:
      Beneficiary Er Global Communication srl
      Bank Name Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
      IBAN IT 80 N 08327 03245 000000001882
    2. Choose a registration plan and click the Registration button:
      • Enter the requested information.
      • Upload a proof of payment (image or PDF).

  • A bank fee of 4% will be applied to your transaction.
  • ER GLOBAL COMMUNICATION LTD, assume no responsibilities for the provision of the services not listed.

Registration Plans

Full Event Participant


After early registration deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Conference
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • Excursion
  • Gala Dinner
  • Welcome Cocktail
  • Conference Kit

Single Day Participant


After early registration deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Single Day Conference
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • Conference Kit



After early registration deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Conference
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunches
  • Excursion
  • Gala Dinner
  • Welcome Cocktail
  • Conference Kit



After early registration deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Excursion
  • Gala Dinner
  • Welcome Cocktail


Ticket for Social Dinner


After early registration deadline: July 31, 2024

To be use in order to add Social Dinner in plans that not include gala/social dinner

  • Social Dinner


  • Prices include taxes
  • Refunding deadline: August 10, 2024

MIFP - Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics

  • Beneficiary

    Er Global Communication srl
  • Bank

    Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
  • Swift Code

    Swift Code
  • IBAN

    IT 80 N 08327 03245 000000001882
  • Address

    Via Appia Nuova, 31
    00040 Marino (RM) Italy
  • Phone

    Phone: +393473474341