Natalia Berloff - University of Cambridge - UK | Skoltech - Russia
Jerome Faist - ETH Zürich - Switzerland
Jonathan Finley - TUM - Germany
Sven Höfling - Würzburg University - Germany | University of St Andrews - UK
Atac Imamoglu - ETH Zurich - Switzerland
Christoph Lange - University of Regensburg - Germany
Peter Rabl - Technische Universitat Wien - Austria
Mete Atature - University of Cambridge - UK
Simone De Liberato - University of Southampton - United Kingdom
Bart de Nijs - University of Cambridge - UK
Antonio I. Fernández-Domínguez - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Spain
Kirill Kavokin - St. Petersburg State University - Russia
Stéfan Kéna-Cohen - Polytechnique Montréal - Canada
Dmitry Krizhanovskii - Univ. Sheffield - UK
Timothy Liew - Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Monica Lorenzon - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley - USA
Vinod M. Menon - University of New York - USA
Carlos Sánchez Muñoz - University of Oxford - UK
Hai Son Nguyen - Ecole Centrale de Lyony - France
Alexander Poddubny - ITMO University - Russia
Ronen Rapaport - Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Israel
Maxime Richard - CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut Néel - France
Philippe St-Jean - Centre des Nanosciences et des nanotrchnologies (C2N) - CNRS - France
Alessandro Tredicucci - University of Pisa - Italy
Richard Warburton - University of Basel - Switzerland
Qihua Xiong - Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Mete Atature - University of Cambridge
Jeremy Baumberg - University of Cambridge
Alberto Bramati - École Normale Supérieure
Simone De Liberato - University of Southampton
Elena Del Valle - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Johannes Feist - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Antonio Fernandez-Dominguez - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Mikhail Glazov - Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Alexey Kavokin - Westlake University and State University of St-Petersburg
Stéphane Kéna-Cohen - Polytechnique Montréal
Na Young Kim - University of Waterloo
Fabrice Laussy - University of Wolverhampton
Tim Liew - Nanyang Technological University
Stefan Maier - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Michał Matuszewski - Polish Academy of Sciences
Vinod Menon - City College of New York
Mikhail Portnoi - University of Exeter
Armando Rastelli - Johannes Kepler University
Jaime Gomez Rivas - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Ivan Shelykh - University of Iceland
David Snoke - University of Pittsburgh
Jerome Tignon - UPMC and École Normale Supérieure
Alessandro Tredicucci - University of Pisa
Vincenzo Ardizzone - UNISALENTO
Milena De Giorgi - CNR NANOTEC
Daniele Sanvitto - CNR NANOTEC
Dario Ballarini - CNR NANOTEC
Luisa De Marco - CNR NANOTEC
Lorenzo Dominici - CNR NANOTEC
Giuseppe Gigli - CNR NANOTEC